Thursday, December 27, 2012

Top 10 Posts of 2012 & Recap

2012 was an awesome year for Williams Kitchen. We posted 60+ recipes/posts this year and today we're going to highlight the best of the best, the most popular posts of 2012, and recap our year.

2. Buttery Smashed Tiny Potatoes
3. Sweet Potato Hash Egg Bake
4. Eggs Baked Over Sautéed Mushrooms, Leeks and Spinach
5. Lavender Cupcakes with Honey Frosting
6. Homemade Oatmeal Cream Pies
7. Spring Veggie Orzo Salad
8. Salad Nicoise
9. Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies
10. Peanut Butter Chocolate Pie

I think if I had to give 2012 one word it would be EGGS. We made so many recipes with eggs as the star of the dish. I think some of that had to do with the 21-day cleanse we  did at the beginning of the year. I also think it's because we love eggs and they are our favorite meat-substitute.

I spent a lot of time this year really focusing on the quality of my food photography and I think it definitely shows. I've read a lot of tutorials and books this year on food photography and I've implemented what I've learned. I'm pretty proud of the results.

I did a lot more baking in 2012 and baked some of the best things I've ever baked. Some of these recipes have become family favorites!

We also did a 21-day cleanse at the beginning of the year, something neither of us ever thought we could or would do. It was difficult but ultimately very rewarding and really introduced us to some new recipes and a different way of eating.

Career/Life Changes
Lastly and most exciting, The Other Williams enrolled in culinary school and we turned our passion for food into a career and started a business together.

It's been a great year! So what was the #1 post on Williams Kitchen from 2012?

Tortellini Skewers with Pesto Dipping Sauce

This post went nuts on Pinterest which helped move it to the top of the list of the most visited posts in 2012 and for good reason too. This is such an easy, fast and delicious recipe. The perfect appetizer for a dinner party or a fun, kid-friendly dinner. I mean, anything on a stick is awesome, right?

2012 has been a year of learning, growing, and expanding our palettes and skills. As I look to the new year, I have a several new goals and plans for Williams Kitchen.

Thanks for all the comments, all the love you've shown on Pinterest, Twitter, & Facebook, and for subscribing to our RSS! 2013 is going to be amazing, I hope you'll continue joining us on our food adventures!


  1. Yummmmm eggs! Pinning a few recipes to try. Are you on Pinterest? :)

    1. Yes Ma'am:

  2. Hi Rachel, I’m Anne from Life on the Funny Farm (, and I’m visiting from the Clever Chicks Blog Hop.

    These look awesome! And I have to agree with you about the eggs. And for the last year or so we've been producing our own perfect little food units from our chickens! Soooo much better than store-bought!

    Anyway, thanks for posting this. If you’ve never visited yet, I hope you can pop by my blog sometime to say hi…


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