Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Chili-Lime Shrimp Cups

We love entertaining guests here at the William's home. Just cooking something wonderful and making it special is right up our alley. We love our friends dearly and we get so much pleasure from making them feel welcomed and special in our home.

We also love entertaining because The Other Williams gets to cook for someone other than me for a change! It also gives me the opportunity to light candles, bring out the good napkins and fold them in special ways, and play with the visual appeal of whatever marvelous thing The Other Williams cooks up!

However, yours truly made these little darlings all by herself! That's right, it's that easy!

Recently we had friends over and served these cute cups for an appetizer. I love a good appetizer recipe! It gives our guests a moment to come in, sit down, and hang out before we move into the dining room. They are so casual and fun.

These would be great for a Cinco de Mayo party, tailgating, or picnicking. You could use them as appetizers or as a side dish to a main course. Regardless of how you plan to use them they will be a hit! Just two bites and your guests will be hooked!

Chili Lime Shrimp Cups

 Serves: 4 (3 cups each)

12 wonton wrappers
1 tablespoons olive oil
12 medium shrimp
pinch of salt
1 teaspoon chile powder
1 lime, zest & juice
1/4 cup baby arugula
2 tablespoons sour cream

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Spray mini muffin tin with cooking spray. Brush both sides of the wonton wrappers with the oil. Then arrange them into a mini muffin tin. Try to space them out but make sure there is a good size opening. Bake 5-6 min until golden brown.

De-vein and peel the shrimp and put them into a small bowl. Mix shrimp in the bowl with olive oil, salt, chile powder and lime zest. Place in 350 oven for 6-8 min until shrimp are done.

To assemble cups, place a dollop of sour cream in each cup. Add baby arugula to each cup. Top with shrimp. Before serving squeeze lime juice over top.

The cups can be made a head. They will keep for one day in an air tight container or plastic baggie.

Adapted from Adam and Joanne Gallagher

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